Tickets are now on sale for The Void's 'Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire'

Star Wars fans finally have the ability to really jump in and experience the universe they've known and loved for so many years at Walt Disney World. The VOID, ILMxLAB, and LucasFilm have joined up to create a hyper-reality experience that allows fans to really jump into the action.

You'll be sent undercover, in groups of four, disguised as Storm Troopers to collect vital intelligence that the Rebellion needs in order to survive. This untethered experience will put you in a chest rig, and headset, but you'll be able to wander untethered to complete your mission.

You can purchase tickets on THE VOID website and you'll have access to two options:

Like Void's Ghostbuster experience, Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire combines physical sets with real-time interactive events to deliver an experience that is not to be missed.


Jen Karner

Jen is a staff writer who spends her time researching the products you didn't know you needed. She's also a fantasy novelist and has a serious Civ VI addiction. You can follow her on Twitter.