Stay hippie-free this weekend by streaming Bonnaroo on YouTube

I love music. I love live music. I love listening to live music outdoors. For Bonnaroo, however, I'll make an exception. Something about camping in BFE, Tenn., that just doesn't seem like a fun time to me anymore. The good news is that just like Coachella, YouTube's got us covered. Starting this Friday at 2 p.m. EDT (11 a.m. PDT), you can hit up three days of rock and rap and funk without the sweat and sleeplessness and funk, all from the comfort of your computer, smartphone or even your Google TV. This, folks, is how us old people rock these days. All you have to do is hit up to get your groove on. We'll see you there.

Oh, and stay away from the brown acid.

Source: Youtube Blog

Phil Nickinson