Is the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 water resistant?

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 And Flip 3 Water
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 And Flip 3 Water (Image credit: Nick Sutrich / Android Central)

Best answer: Yes, upon the release of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 it was confirmed that the foldable is water-resistant. The third generation of Samsung's foldables has an IPX8 waterproof rating, but isn't rated for dust resistance.

Is the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 water resistant?

Samsung first journeyed into the world of foldable devices with the launch of the Galaxy Fold in 2019. Since then, we have seen the idea evolve and materialize across three generations of Galaxy Z Fold and Z Flip folding phones. Apart from obvious improvements such as the hinge mechanics and internal specifications, the third gen Galaxy Z Fold 3 also carries an IPX8 waterproof rating.

If you don't know what IP ratings mean, they are a standard set by the International Protection Marking. Each letter and number following the IP indicate the level of protection the device has against dust and water. In the case of the the Z Fold 3, the IPX8 rating signifies protection from freshwater when submerged deeper than 1 meter. The 'X' means that Samsung did not test the folding phone for dust resistance.

Not testing something doesn't mean that the Z Fold 3 is entirely vulnerable to dust though. As we explained in our Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 review piece, there are micro brushes inside the Z Fold 3's hinges that are designed to keep particles such as dust and pocket lint out of the folding mechanism. Dust getting into the hinges could lead to disaster, so it's great that there's a built-in deterrent.

Samsung has improved its foldables by a wide margin and taken user feedback into account while bettering the folding phones. Hinge issues, software bugs, and many other problems have been handled well. With time and user feedback, Samsung has come one step closer to perfecting its foldables. Just like many of the best Samsung phones all have IP ratings, the Galaxy Z Fold 3 and the Z Flip 3 too are water-resistant phones.

Namerah Saud Fatmi
Senior Editor — Accessories

Namerah enjoys geeking out over accessories, gadgets, and all sorts of smart tech. She spends her time guzzling coffee, writing, casual gaming, and cuddling with her furry best friends. Find her on Twitter @NamerahS.