Android Central's Freelance Contributors

Many people help with the Android Central site, whether it's news, e-commerce content, reviews, or editorials. Here's a list of all of our regular freelance contributors who make our site amazing.

Jay Bonggolto
Jay Bonggolto

Jay Bonggolto always keeps a nose for news. He has been writing about consumer tech and apps for as long as he can remember, and he has used a variety of Android phones since falling in love with Jelly Bean. When he's not writing, he likes to spend time outside, stealing scenes with his phone camera. 

Headshot of Brady Snyder
Brady Snyder

Brady is a tech journalist covering news at Android Central. He has spent the last two years reporting and commenting on all things related to consumer technology for various publications. Brady graduated from St. John's University in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in journalism. When he isn't experimenting with the latest tech, you can find Brady running or watching sports.

Author picture for Nickolas Diaz's bio.
Nickolas Diaz

Nickolas is always excited about tech and getting his hands on it. Writing for him can vary from delivering the latest tech story to scribbling in his journal. When Nickolas isn't hitting a story, he's often grinding away at a game or chilling with a book in his hand.

Vishnu Sarangapurkar

Vishnu works as a freelance News Writer for Android Central. For the past four years, he's been writing about consumer technology, primarily involving smartphones, laptops, and every other gizmo connected to the Internet. When he is away from keyboard, you can see him going on a long drive or chilling on a couch binge-watching some crime series.

Zachary Visconti
Zachary Visconti

Zach is a writer and reporter who has been covering electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and general tech since 2020. His work has appeared in Denver Westword, the Chicago Tribune, KRON4 San Francisco, and many other publications. When he isn't covering EVs or tech deals, you can find him playing music, drinking coffee, or hanging out with his cat, Banks.

Christine Persaud headshot
Christine Persaud

Christine Persaud has been writing about tech since long before the smartphone was even a "thing." When she isn't writing, she's working on her latest fitness program, binging a new TV series, tinkering with tech gadgets she's reviewing, or spending time with family and friends. A self-professed TV nerd, lover of red wine, and passionate home cook, she's immersed in tech in every facet of her life.

rajat sharma profile picture
Rajat Sharma

When Rajat got his first Personal Computer—a Pentium III machine with 128MB of RAM and a 56kbps dial-up modem—back in 2001, he had little idea it would mark the beginning of a lifelong love affair with gadgets. That fascination, combined with a penchant for writing and editing, ultimately led to him becoming a technology journalist. Some of his other interests include Photography, Hand Lettering, and Digital Typography. Rajat is also somewhat obsessed with wrist-worn timepieces and appreciates a Casio just as much as a Jaeger-LeCoultre.

Judy Sanhz
Judy Sanhz

Judy is a tech geek who loves technology. She has been writing about tech for over a decade, covering various devices and programs. She stays updated on the latest gadgets, upgrades, features, and news. She aims to make complicated tech information easy for everyone to read. When she's not writing about tech, she's watching Indiana Jones for the 100th time.

Roydon Cerejo

Roydon has been writing about consumer tech for over a decade, and has reviewed a wide variety of products, from TVs and headphones, to cameras and PC components. Smartphones and laptops have been his main focus areas for the past couple of years, where he has extensively covered both spaces in terms of reviews, features, interviews, and live events. When not helping someone pick out their next phone, you’ll find him hunting for new TV shows to binge watch, and struggling to complete his backlog of PS4 games.

Author: Tshaka Spidy
Tshaka Armstrong

Tshaka Armstrong is a nerd. Co-Founder of the non-profit digital literacy organization, Digital Shepherds, he’s also been a broadcast technology reporter, writer and producer. In addition to being an award-winning broadcast storyteller, he’s also covered tech online and in print for everything from paintball gear technology, to parenting gadgets, and film industry tech for Rotten Tomatoes. In addition to writing for Android Central, he’s a video contributor for Android Central and posts everything else to his own YouTube channel and socials.

Ted Kritsonis author photo.
Ted Kritsonis

Ted Kritsonis loves taking photos when the opportunity arises, be it on a camera or smartphone. Beyond sports and world history, you can find him tinkering with gadgets or enjoying a cigar. Often times, that will be with a pair of headphones or earbuds playing tunes. When he's not testing something, he's working on the next episode of his podcast, Tednologic.

sam contreras
Samuel Contreras

When Samuel is not writing about networking or 5G at Android Central, he spends most of his time researching computer components and obsessing over what CPU goes into the ultimate Windows 98 computer. It's the Pentium 3.

Matt Shore headshot
Matt Shore

Matt has been gaming since he was young, and enjoys exploring obscure indie games in between the latest AAA releases. The train sequence from Uncharted 2 still blows his mind.