Pandora Works On Rooted Nook

Oh boy, this is going to get good fast. You already knew that the Nook, Barnes and Noble's e-reader, had been rooted, right? Well, that was only step one. Some users at nookDevs are reporting that they've managed to get Pandora Radio running and working on the Nook. That means a real life, breathing Android app is running on the Nook, which means more real life, breathing Android apps are eventually on their way. It's still a difficult process to do but the Nook may soon house all the apps that make Android great.

The Nook is probably the most interesting e-book reader on the market right now, to have a legion of users hacking and tinkering it to make it the most powerful, well, where can we buy one? Oh can't right now. Good going Barnes & Noble.

[via gizmodo]

Casey Chan