The most physical PlayStation VR games in 2022

If games like Dance Dance Revolution and Just Dance have taught us anything it's that putting a little pep in your step always leads to a good time. Whether you're looking to punch your way to fitness playing Creed: Rise to Glory or burn through calories with Beat Saber, you can find a game that'll help you break a sweat in VR.

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Feel the Pump

There have been plenty of games released over the years that encourage you to get moving. Dance Dance Revolution is an obvious choice, but there's also Wii Fit and plenty of other attempts that utilized motion controllers. VR is a great way to intwine fitness and video games in 2019. Games like Sparc will help you work up a sweat, and if you do them for a sustained period — say 30 minutes or more — will help you lose weight are just get more fit.

For the most energetic and calorie burning game though, you really need to get Creed: Rise to Glory. The energy and focus the game requires is immense as and as Russell Holly says in his review, it will make your body hurt, but you'll love it.

James Bricknell
Since the days of the HTC Hero James has had two or three Android phones stuffed into pockets. James is always on hand to offer advice on phones, apps and most recently, PlayStation, especially VR, It's now something of an obsession. Find him @keridel wherever Media Socials itself.