comiXology announces beta release of Android app -- Get comics on the go!

For some of us, the days of actually heading on down to the comic store and grabbing the latest edition of Spider-Man are long over. But, that doesn't really mean you have to stop reading comics by any means. Luckily for those of you out there who still enjoy reading comics, they've kept pace with the technology of today. A new app to the Android Market makes it easier then ever to get your comics on the go and read them whenever you do so wish.

Comics by comiXology has been available for quite some time on other platforms but, this is the first time its been made available on Android. The online store offers a wide variety of comic vendors to purchase from including Archie Comics, Marvel, Dark Horse, DC.  So yes, Spiderman, Transformers, Star Wars and more are all covered. Also, any comics you purchase through the app are available for online reading as well. Be sure to check the app out if you're a comic fan. Download link can be found after the break. [comiXology]
