Best Bands for Amazfit Verge in 2022

Amazfit Verge review
Amazfit Verge review

The Amazfit Verge smartwatch is one of the most competitive wearables on the market thanks to its incredibly affordable price tag and long list of desirable features. However, not everyone is a fan of the band that comes in the box. If you're struggling to find the right band for your needs, you're not alone. The good news is there are tons of options to choose from.

Drawing conclusions

The band that you end up choosing for your Amazfit Verge smartwatch will largely depend on what a normal day looks like for you. If you spend a good chunk of your time working out or playing sports, you're going to need a superior level of durability. Our favorite for this is the SIKAI silicone band. It's tough enough to handle your active lifestyle and comfortable enough to wear all day long.

If you're worried about your skin becoming irritated due to all of your activity, worry no more with the OldDream loop nylon band. It's specifically designed to handle your workouts while remaining as breathable as possible. You won't have to deal with pesky moisture buildup or painful skin irritation with this lightweight band on your wrist.

We've only just begun to scratch the surface on Amazfit Verge bands. Whatever your needs consist of, there's a band that's designed to meet them.

Courtney Lynch

Courtney Lynch is a freelance writer at Android Central. She's obsessed with all things health, fitness, and music. At any given time, she can be found checking out the latest and greatest gadgets while simultaneously petting her dog and sipping iced coffee.