Microsoft revamps design for Android users with new sections

Chrome browser users can now swipe up to see the sections on the home page. They will also notice a new translucent color scheme. Users can tap on the Image of the Day's caption to bring up a card revealing more information on that photo. The "Popular Now" section that was visible on the desktop homepage is now available on the mobile homepage. Microsoft says:

News consumption is a common activity on mobile devices. We also know that on desktop, the homepage news carousel at the bottom of the page is one of the most highly engaged features, connecting users to news stories across the web. With that in mind, we are bringing the desktop's news carousel experience to mobile. We select the top trending stories for you and update them throughout the day. Moving forward, we will continue to make these stories even more relevant and personal.

There's also a new Bing Rewards card on the page for members of that program to keep track of their points, along with a Settings card and one for users to send feedback about their experience back to Microsoft.

Source: Microsoft

John Callaham